
With these words, Google presents the design of materials as a site guide for web pages and defines the style of all its products up to the latest version of the Android mobile operating system, Lollipop.

The basic idea of the design of materials is to make the materials graphic elements, which are no longer flat and without shadows as in the flat design, assume a thickness and a physical space. Then, they are represented as a three-dimensional object, true light, surface and movement are the key to pass as they move, interact and exist in space. Inspired by the study of paper and ink, but technologically advanced and open to imagination and magic, the Material Design becomes almost a synthesis of Piso Diseño and Scheumorfismo.



255, 235, 238


255, 205, 210


239, 154, 154


229, 115, 115


239, 83, 80


244, 67, 54


229, 57, 53


211, 47, 47


198, 40, 40


183, 28, 28


255, 138, 128


255, 82, 82


255, 23, 68


213, 0, 0



252, 228, 236


248, 187, 208


244, 143, 177


240, 98, 146


236, 64, 122


233, 30, 99


216, 27, 96


194, 24, 91


173, 20, 87


136, 14, 79


255, 128, 171


255, 64, 129


245, 0, 87


197, 17, 98



243, 229, 245


225, 190, 231


206, 147, 216


186, 104, 200


171, 71, 188


156, 39, 176


142, 36, 170


123, 31, 162


106, 27, 154


74, 20, 140


234, 128, 252


224, 64, 251


213, 0, 249


170, 0, 255

Deep purple


237, 231, 246


209, 196, 233


179, 157, 219


149, 117, 205


126, 87, 194


103, 58, 183


94, 53, 177


81, 45, 168


69, 39, 160


49, 27, 146


179, 136, 255


124, 77, 255


101, 31, 255


98, 0, 234



232, 234, 246


197, 202, 233


159, 168, 218


121, 134, 203


92, 107, 192


63, 81, 181


57, 73, 171


48, 63, 159


40, 53, 147


26, 35, 126


140, 158, 255


83, 109, 254


61, 90, 254


48, 79, 254



227, 242, 253


187, 222, 251


144, 202, 249


100, 181, 246


66, 165, 245


33, 150, 243


30, 136, 229


25, 118, 210


21, 101, 192


13, 71, 161


130, 177, 255


68, 138, 255


41, 121, 255


41, 98, 255

Light blue


225, 245, 254


179, 229, 252


129, 212, 250


79, 195, 247


41, 182, 246


3, 169, 244


3, 155, 229


2, 136, 209


2, 119, 189


1, 87, 155


128, 216, 255


64, 196, 255


0, 176, 255


0, 145, 234



224, 247, 250


178, 235, 242


128, 222, 234


77, 208, 225


38, 198, 218


0, 188, 212


0, 172, 193


0, 151, 167


0, 131, 143


0, 96, 100


132, 255, 255


24, 255, 255


0, 229, 255


0, 184, 212



224, 242, 241


178, 223, 219


128, 203, 196


77, 182, 172


38, 166, 154


0, 150, 136


0, 137, 123


0, 121, 107


0, 105, 92


0, 77, 64


167, 255, 235


100, 255, 218


29, 233, 182


0, 191, 165



232, 245, 233


200, 230, 201


165, 214, 167


129, 199, 132


102, 187, 106


76, 175, 80


67, 160, 71


56, 142, 60


46, 125, 50


27, 94, 32


185, 246, 202


105, 240, 174


0, 230, 118


0, 200, 83

Light green


241, 248, 233


220, 237, 200


197, 225, 165


174, 213, 129


156, 204, 101


139, 195, 74


124, 179, 66


104, 159, 56


85, 139, 47


51, 105, 30


204, 255, 144


178, 255, 89


118, 255, 3


100, 221, 23



249, 251, 231


240, 244, 195


230, 238, 156


220, 231, 117


212, 225, 87


205, 220, 57


192, 202, 51


175, 180, 43


158, 157, 36


130, 119, 23


244, 255, 129


238, 255, 65


198, 255, 0


174, 234, 0



255, 253, 231


255, 249, 196


255, 245, 157


255, 241, 118


255, 238, 88


55, 235, 59


253, 216, 53


251, 192, 45


249, 168, 37


245, 127, 23


255, 255, 141


255, 255, 0


255, 234, 0


255, 214, 0



255, 248, 225


255, 236, 179


255, 224, 130


255, 213, 79


255, 202, 40


255, 193, 7


255, 179, 0


255, 160, 0


255, 143, 0


255, 111, 0


255, 229, 127


255, 215, 64


255, 196, 0


255, 171, 0



255, 243, 224


255, 224, 178


255, 204, 128


255, 183, 77


255, 167, 38


255, 152, 0


251, 140, 0


245, 124, 0


239, 108, 0


230, 81, 0


255, 209, 128


255, 171, 64


255, 145, 0


255, 109, 0

Deep orange


251, 233, 231


255, 204, 188


255, 171, 145


255, 138, 101


255, 112, 67


255, 87, 34


244, 81, 30


230, 74, 25


216, 67, 21


191, 54, 12


255, 158, 128


255, 110, 64


255, 61, 0


221, 44, 0



239, 235, 233


215, 204, 200


188, 170, 164


161, 136, 127


141, 110, 99


121, 85, 72


109, 76, 65


93, 64, 55


78, 52, 46


62, 39, 35



250, 250, 250


245, 245, 245


238, 238, 238


224, 224, 224


189, 189, 189


158, 158, 158


117, 117, 117


97, 97, 97


66, 66, 66


33, 33, 33

Blue grey


236, 239, 241


207, 216, 220


176, 190, 197


144, 164, 174


120, 144, 156


96, 125, 139


84, 110, 122


69, 90, 100


55, 71, 79


38, 50, 56



255, 255, 255


0, 0, 0